Part of The Paralympic Team

By Bockarie Allieu

FREETOWN, Aug 19 (SALONE TIMES) –  A Paralympic team of eight man delegations departs to Japan this morning on board Turkey Airline. The team is expected to arrive in Japan tomorrow Thursday.

The opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games will take place at the Olympic stadium in Tokyo on the 24th August 2021. The above Games was schedule to take place last year but was postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 outbreak in the world. In the delegation Sierra Leone are two athletes, Sorie Kargbo for male long jump event and Juan Jackson for the female javelin event.

George Wyndham may be Sorie’s coach in the Games. The Secretary General of the Paralympic Committee Alexander Thullah is the leader of the delegation, Bernard Turay Media Attaché for the committee, Hajaratu Kamara female coach, Haja Marie Medical/ CLO and Zainab Koroma Chaperone.

The team will be received by the Chef De Mission Unisa Deen Kargbo who is also the president of the Paralympic Committee in Sierra Leone.

Before their departure the two athletes assured the nation that they will do their level best to put Sierra Leone on the Paralympic map.

The administrative Secretary of NOC in Sierra Leone A. G. Koroma appealed to the delegation to put up their best behavior while in Japan.

The team will also be joined by the Deputy Minister of Sports Laurence Mbayo and the Deputy Executive Director of the National Sports Authority Dr. Abdul Rahman Swaray. 

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