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The Parliament of Sierra Leone has on Thursday 27/07/2023 debated and approved with unanimity The Second Report of the Committee on Appointments and the  Public Service, chaired by the Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma.


The following presidential nominees were approved by the Parliament of Sierra Leone:


1. Mr. Chernor A. Bah, Minister of Information and Civic Education


2. Mr. Gbessay Jusu Ngobeh, Resident Minister East


3. Mr. Julius Daniel Mattai, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources


4. Ambassador Tamba John Sylvanus Lamina, Minister of Local Government and Community Affairs


5. MS. Kenyeh Barllay, Minister of Planning and Economic Development


6. Mohamed Rahman Swaray, Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security


7. Mr. Conrad Sackey, Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education


8. Dr. Turad Senesie, Minister of Lands and Country Planning


9. Mr. Mohamed E. K. Alie, Resident Minister South


10. Amara Brewah, Director General, National Telecommunications Authority (NATCA)


11. Mrs. Augusta James Teima, Minister of Sports


12. Mrs. Jeneba J. Bangura, Deputy Minister 1 – Ministry of Finance


13. Mr. Alpha Sesay Esq, Deputy Minister of Justice


14. Mr. Sarjoh Aziz Kamara, Deputy Minister of Higher and Technical Education


15. Madam Fatmata Wurie, Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry


16. Mr. Bockarie Kaloko, Deputy Minister 2, Ministry of Finance


17. Mr. Brima Swarray, Commissioner General, National Revenue Authority (NRA)


18. Mr. Philip Tetema Tondoneh, Deputy Minister of Public Administration and Political Affairs


19. Dr. Denis Moinina Sandy, Minister of Works and Public Assets


20. Dr. Isata Mahoi, Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs


21. Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha, Deputy Minister 2 – Ministry of Health


22. Francis Ben Kaifala Esq. Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission


23. Madam Salamatu Bah Esq. Minister of Communications, Technology and Innovation


24. Mr. Keketoma Sandy Esq. Deputy Minister of Information and Civic Education


25. Dr. Prince Alex Harding, Commissioner/Chairman (Cabinet Rank) – National Commission for Privatization (NCP)


26. Ambassador Ernest Mbaimba Ndomahina, Commissioner – National Commission for Social Action


27.Mr. Abu Abu Koroma, Resident Minister North


28. Ing. Francis Alphan Kallon, Deputy Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation and


29. Mr. Patrick Gibrilla,  Deputy Minister of Youth Affairs


According to the Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, the presidential nominees were interviewed on issues pertaining to educational backgrounds, experience, track records in public service, asset declarations, tax obligations, and vision for a nationally productive tenure.


Seconding the motion, the Deputy Leader of Government Business 1, Hon. Bashiru Silikie commended President Bio for appointing well-qualified Sierra Leoneans to serve in high offices of State, and expressed hope  that the nominees  would contribute to national development. The Deputy Leader admonished appointees to serve in  the interest of the nation and reiterated that  the policies and agenda of the President most be achieved.


The Hon. Deputy Leader outlined the roles and responsibilities of MPs and that of the presidential nominees. He commended the President Bio for appointing young people into positions of trust and advice  them to make the President proud in the course of executing their official duties.


Zooming on Alex Prince Harding, the Deputy Leader commended him for helping the SLPP party to victory and went on to commend other appointees for their appointments.


On his part, Hon. PC Desmond Mahyei Kargobai from  Bo District commended the appointees and noted that, they will be visiting the appointees, in order to advocate for  development in the country. 


Hon. Princess Kadie Daramy from Western Area admonished the appointees to deliver in the best interest of the nation.


Hon. Sartie Banya of Kailahun District applauded the President for appointing energetic and qualified nominees to serve, adding that, the  President has appointed women into positions of trust.


Hon. Wuyatta Songa thanked President Bio for allocating appointments to the Kailahun people and went on to underscore the tremendous strides made by some of the appointees during and after the electioneering process.


Hon. Alie Bayoh of  Kenema District extended gratitude to President Bio for appointing young people to positions of trust and admonished them to take their work very seriously.


Hon. Amie Moriba from Bo District commended President Bio for appointing qualified Sierra Leoneans to serve and went on to admonish them to work harder for development purposes.


Hon. Komba Quee from Kono District acknowledged the role of President Bio in transforming the country. He called on the appointees to execute their duties in the best interest of the nation. 


Hon. Mohamed T. Fofanah from Kambai District said Sierra Leoneans are hopeful of the young  dynamic  appointments by the President and called on them to perform with integrity and prove to the President that they can deliver the deliverables.


Hon. Rachel Pessima from Port Loko District commended President Bio for appointing young people into positions of trust and extended congratulatory messages to all of them and wished them well in their new offices.


Hon. Francis Amara-Kai Samba from Kenema District said the SLPP party has no drought to appointing well-qualified Sierra Leoneans into  positions of trust. He called on the newly appointed NRA Commissioner to do the needful for the mobilization of revenues for the development of the nation. He encouraged  and congratulated them on their appointments and asked them to deliver.


Hon. Ing. Fallah K. Tengbeh from Kailahun District in his contribution to the debate, applauded the appointments of the nominees and went on to zoom on certain appointees for their hard work, and wished them them well in their new assignments.


Hon. Umu Pyne from Moyamba District acknowledged the appointment of the Gender Minister and urged all appointees to deliver. She called on the Minister of Education not to forget about civic education and the interest of teachers. 


Hon. Hindolo Gevao from Kailahun District complimented with passion the appointees from Kailahun District and appreciated President Bio for the confidence he has reposed on his people. He commended the ACC Boss for his reappointment as Commissioner of the Anti Corruption Commission of Sierra Leone.


Hon. Massey Ngahiteh Aruna from Bo District admired the appointments of the nominees. She applauded the appointment of the new NRA Boss and went on to refer to him as “a system man”. She congratulated all the female appointees and advised them to serve well.


Hon. Musa Fofanah from Kono District referred to the appointees as “a consolidated team”, and went on to call on the Mines Minister to create more opportunities for the youths, and also called on other appointees to do the needful for the development of the State.


The Deputy Chief Whip 1, Hon. Veronica Kadie Sesay submitted her contribution to those politicians who have served the party well. She commended the old members of the party and the new ones that are coming to serve. She encouraged the appointees to be mindful and not be influenced by others in executing their duties.


The Deputy Leader of Government Business 2, Hon. Saa Emerson  Lamina called on the appointees to transform their MDAs in line with the President’s Vision and work in the interest of the State and went on to congratulate all the appointees to deliver.


Rounding up the debate, the Acting Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Mohamed Bangura said for the past 54 years in the history of the country, compatriots are still thinking of political parties and not the country. He encouraged appointees to work positively and alluded to the fact that former Presidents Kabbah, and Koroma left good legacies for Sierra Leone. He admonished MPs to speak the truth and also send the right messages to the people of Sierra Leone. He also called on the appointees to serve well for the people of Sierra Leone to benefit. He called on the Resident Minister East to be a peacemaker based on his hard work in unifying the people of the Eastern Region just after the elections. He called on the Trade Minister to do the needful in addressing price control and taxation.

On sports related issues, he called on the Sports Minister to address all sporting disciplines and asked the Information Ministry to work together in order to develop the sector.

He also called on the ACC Boss and other appointees to work in the interest of the State. He concluded by admonishing all the appointees to open their doors to the people of Sierra Leone.


Concluding the debate, the Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma said all the appointees were interviewed based on strict procedures and commended MPs on the Appointments Committee for doing the work of Parliament .”I believe all of you are qualified and I believe you can perform”. He admonished the nominees to hold on to the pinnacle of education to develop the State. The Leader spoke highly of the experience and qualities of Dr. Prince Harding whom he referred to as “the political Chemist”.


In his facilitation to appointees, the Acting Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas congratulated all of them and wished them well in their new assignments.


@Parliamentary and Public Relations Department

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