Exco and other members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Oct. 12 (232News) – Close to a year now, the current executive of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL) through the seven pillar vision of the President, Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly have been busy taking the Fellowship to the people across the country.

The move which have been welcome by all is tagged mobilization and interaction tour. The tour and general meeting have impacted many lives and one of them is Rev. Tom Smith Kandeh, Founder and General Overseer of God’s Army of Prayer Ministry, Waterloo.

During PFSL mobilization, interaction and general meeting held on Tuesday 5th October 2021 at the Lord Is Our Shepherd International Miracle Center, Bassa Town, Waterloo, Rev. Tom Smith Kandeh described the meeting as one that has contributed immensely to his belief and made him to learn the value of unity in the Body of Christ instead of one working in isolation.

PFSL President Praying for the interim Waterloo executive

“The meeting has created an impact in transforming my own mindset based on what I knew and what I believed. Seeing it in the perspective of Kingdom mindedness, I learnt that we as minsters of God should be working in collaboration not singlehandedly and making sure we partner so that at the end of the day we make more impact than working singlehandedly.” 

It was the first PFSL meeting in Waterloo and Rev. Tom Smith Kandeh wasted no time to outline some of the things he has done since he became a member of PFSL.

“I have bought my form and my cap to fully become a member. This movement is about to take over Sierra Leone, will bring a total transformation in the country. I will share the good news to brethren in Waterloo to make sure they come onboard for us to break down the barrier and then raise the voice of Christ.”

Rev. Augusta Matt Macavoray of the Pentecost Evangelical Deliverance Ministries Lumley said she has been with PFSL for almost a year now. She thanked God for what He is doing in PFSL and how far He Has brought them. She believed by God’s grace PFSL will go far and wide and they will do more things.

PFSL has been a blessing in my life and I have found a place call home which is PFSL. PFSL has brought a platform where people can be seen and heard.”

She also spoke about the changed the current executive has made in just a year which has impacted lives.

Evangelist Samuel Turay of the Lord is our Sharped Ministry described the meeting as a good one for which he gave praises to God. He said he has learnt a lot from the meeting and pray for God’s inspiration on the youth to learn more.

“God has a plan for this nation,” he said, adding that “We pray for God to continue to use our Bishop because he is trying to bring a good take in our Christian life and it is good for us to be close and love the things of God.”

Topics such as “Breaking boundaries to advance the Kingdom” was done by PFSL General Secretary Rev. Rabbi Tamba Mbayo and a Legal consideration for Minister was done by Lawyer Momodu Fornah-Sesay among others.

An interim committee for Waterloo was also setup and they will serve for six months.

By 232News

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