By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Feb. 21 ( – In line with the one Lord, one Faith and one Baptism spirit, the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL) has held its first historic National Impact Conference in the Southern Province of Bo.

The conference which theme was: Breaking Limits and Taking Territories took place at the Higher Ground Ministries, Kendeyama Road, Bo City from the 17th to the 19th February, 2022.

PFSL first held its National Impact Conference in Freetown last year while Bo City hosted it for the first time in the provinces.

In his address, the President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL), Bishop Akintayo Sam-Jolly described the National Impact Conference which was their first major conference of such nature, as a great breakthrough.

He said they had held conferences under the leadership of their predecessor and it had gone from stage to stage but the nature of this National Impact Conference has taken them to yet another level.  

The National Impact Conference saw people coming from all over the country to witness it in their numbers. This the PFSL President described as a great indication that they have progressed to yet another step where they are able to take conference to the region.

“So once we step out we will continue.”

He recalled that in 2021 PFSL focused on familiarization, where they toured the country and established regional branches but this year they are holding conferences in the provinces which he cited as a stepping stone to strengthen churches, the Body of Christ and also will help them take territories for Jesus.

The PFSL President disclosed that the conferences will be held between two to three months’ based on the province until they cover the entire country.

“I believe there is going to be a major shift in the heavenly realm. When the nation is blessed the church will be blessed, when the nation is released from yoke and curses, the nation also is released from curses.  Right now elections are around the corner and if we do not deal with the plans and intentions of the enemy against this nation, we are doomed.  Because many are waiting for bloodshed while many others are waiting to do things in a carnal and demonic way and we are forestalling the work of darkness. For Churches I believe, they are going to fulfill the assignment which God Has called us to do.” 

Bishop Sam-Jolly commended the southern province chapter for doing an excellent job; therefore, calling on others to prepare.

He added that there is need for Pentecostals to come together under one umbrella, as it will not take away from them their various ministries.

“Let us be one body. Christianity is not about Freetown, PFSL is not about Freetown and we have a national/global assignment. Let us begin with our own Jerusalem along Samarian and then we can hit to the end of the earth.”

Apostle Augustine S. Kamara, National Head of the Church of Pentecost Sierra Leone and Vice President of PFSL said they realised that since the Fellowship started it was mainly based in Freetown but they felt that they will create more impact if they come to the provinces through that they decided to hold conferences across the provinces.

He spoke about the commitment of young men to uphold the Fellowship.

“We need everybody and we want to involve everyone. The Bo conference is very much impactful in the way of attendance, teachings of which we appreciate God for.”

He disclosed that from what they have seen, the churches were ready to mobilize for any impact conference because most of the teachings have been very impactful and gracious.

Rev. Jeremiah Nyakoh, PFSL Regional Coordinator, South, expressed joy for hosting such conference for the first time.

He said organising such event was not a day business but one that took days.

“I mapped and divided Bo City into zones when I was appointed to office. I have 11 zones and every corner of Bo has a PFSL representative and leaders of those zones are responsible to spread PFSL across the City.”

His expectation was to get a greater turn around harvest of ministries after the Conference.

Bishop Sam-Jolly taught on Destroying National Strongholds, Order and glory and Warring for God’s Territory.

Rev Rabbi Tamba Mbayo taught on The Call to and the Price of Fellowship and The Relevance of Church in National Issues.

Apostle Jimmy Yambasu taught on Prayer – A Force and Tool for Territory Taking.

Rev Jeremiah Nyakoh taught on Breaking Limits of Unity.

Apostle Augustine Kamara taught on The Call to Strategic Mission.

Apostle Siaka Kamara taught on The Cell System.

Rev Ade Beckley taught on Rebuilding Broken walls of Relationship.

Rev Rashid Turay taught on Leadership and Partnership.

Report on provincial activities, warfare prayers for territorial dominion and appointment of officers formed part of the three days’ conference.

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