The Author Moses Kamara

Author: Moses Kamara 

FREETOWN, Aug. 6 (232News) – Gloomy, systemic, racketeering and deceptive my aunt stated as she woke up from a long sleep.

Aunty, these words are hard what do you want to describe? I asked her.

My son, I am describing a vehicle that was once hired to reach our desired destination. The driver took us far and wide with no sign of reaching our destination she responded.

Wait a minute Aunt, you mean we did not reach our destination? Having spent all our time and resources? I thought the driver was hired to take us to heaven. I asked.

Heaven? Hmmm, he didn’t, she replied and continued though he covered some distance we are far from reaching heaven.

OOOO, AUNT!!! Why didn’t he reach? Who stopped him? Did the road cut off completely; fuel issue, an engine problem, wheels, dew, and environment? What is it? I asked with curiosity.

My son, my son, my son, my son, and how many times did I call you? I like your curiosity. This gives me hope that you will find out everything you want to know, probably you will be a good researcher. For the Bible once said ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened”-Matthew 7:7-8” she noted and continued.

Too many factors my son; insincerity, greed, corruption, stone-blind, inept, ethnicity, tribalism, poor citizens participation, civil society hypocrisy, partisan politics, donor dependence…the list is endless my son. I am feeling sleepy again my son, I was enjoying the dream allow me to sleep again. A guy was telling me how he wants to take us to heaven when u suddenly woke me up. I only hope he will talk to me again in my dream.

Indeed, the guy waited for my coming. He dressed well, serious looks with eyes shaking like an OWL wanting to grab its prey. Confused face like cloudy weather. He has great following, very anxious followers with no capacity, clapping as he speaks. Wait a minute! He looks like our citizen, oh my GOD!!! An old citizen who has been part of the vehicle’s problem. Oh yes, he was, he confessed but promised me a position to fix it together. She talked in her sleep.

My son, I am back where are you? I want to pass on the message and my son is nowhere to be seen. After all, it was a dream. Who cares? I only hope I will see him the next time in my dreams to ask him few more questions….

By 232News

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