22nd October 2021

Bo Southern Sierra Leone

BO, Oct 24.  (232News) – Africa Gulf International Corporation (AGIC) refers to the press release of the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA) dated 20th October 2021 and will like to bring to its attention the following:

1. AGIC congratulates the SLCAA for recalling the above-mentioned press release their constitutional mandate given by Act of Parliament, which is essentially to advise the Government of Sierra Leone (Ministry of Transport and Aviation) on matters related to the Aviation Sector. Therefore, AGIC is suggesting SLCAA to relate any matters on the subject project directly to the Ministry of Transport and Aviation (MTA).

2. AGIC wants to refresh SLCAA and the Sierra Leone Airports Authority’s (SLAA) memory that during the first meeting of stakeholders called and held by Minister Kabineh Kallon in his executive office, the minister in his response to stakeholders’ request, instructed his deputy minister Sadiq Sillah and the Permanent Secretary to immediately share the project documentation with all the concerned parties.

3. It should be noted that AGIC’s technical specialist kept waiting for weeks with hope to get feedback on the project documentations submitted, acknowledged, and accepted (refer to AGIC’s 21st October 2021 Media Brief and letters) more than a year ago. Since then, AGIC felt obliged to reengage the relevant stakeholders following which SLCAA claimed that as of that date, they are still to receive the project documentations from the MTA, by then SLCAA requested from AGIC the project documentations to be handed to them directly and unofficially. In consideration for political and administrative protocol (hierarchy) AGIC categorically declined their request. The refusal of AGIC, was met with insistence and claims by SLCAA that the MTA have the tendency to withhold project documentations from SLCAA till the last minute of the process and reference was made to the Freetown International Airport extension project process.

4. It is strategic business objective of AGIC to respect due process so as to protect this huge investment which has far-reaching socio-economic benefits for the good people of Sierra Leone and by so being rebuild the public confidence between the population and the political class.

5. AGIC in its determination to secure the effective delivery of this important socio-economic and socio-political project in the inclusive benefits/interest of ALL SIERRA LEONEANS decided to engage with Bo communities directly in order to start the actualisation process of the project, bearing in mind that after the preliminary ultimate action MTA and SLCAA will come in for the advisory duties as bestowed upon them by the constitution and laws of the Republic of Sierra Leone, AGIC initiated the project materialisation process to INCENTIVISED technical and political stakeholders to RE-JOIN THE ONGOING PROCESS then contribute their quota in this beautiful Nation building undertaking.

6. Therefore, it is imperative that all stakeholders directly or indirectly concerned by the actualization of the BO ULTRA-MODERN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT project understand that such socio-economic international infrastructure requires constant engagements and dialogue in the absence of which investments of this nature and such magnitude could become unfriendly thereby eroding investors’ confidence in the beneficiary country and as well as could portray damaging perception of this country’s current leadership as insensitive towards the daily survival struggle of its own people.

7. For the last three years, the principals of what is now AGIC have been working tirelessly to contribute to this beautiful country’s prosperity by offering to the YOUTH AND FUTURE GENERATIONS OF SIERRA LEONE an unprecedented structured financial model that protects them from any debt burden that could dangerously jeopardize their daily living standards for decades to come.

In the name of national unity, national cohesion, so national interest, AGIC is making a wholehearted call to all patriotic Sierra Leoneans from all ethnical groups, all regions including the diaspora, all political parties and movements, all religious communities and leaders, all traditional communities and leaders to embrace this laudable developmental action initiated lawfully by “foreigners” in the soil of Sierra Leone, and to remain in Sierra Leone for good after completion. In its spirit of open-mindedness for the permanent quest of perfection and its values of concrete action over rhetoric, AGIC welcomes constructive criticism more than appreciation and congratulations. IT IS HARDTIME TO BUILD THE SIERRA LEONE OF THE FUTURE AS WELL AS AFRICA AT LARGE WITH AN UNDOUBTFUL UNIFIED FORCE, SPIRIT AND FAITH. MAY ALMIGHTY GOD BLESS US ALL.

Corporate Communications Department

African Gulf International Corporation

Executive Office 3 Assine Drive, Juba Hill, Freetown Sierra Leone. Tel: +232 74868012, +232 76929943, +232 32099019, +232 74920735 Email:

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