IPAM USL senior management staff

By Alhaji Dauda Musa Bangura

FREETOWN, Oct. 11 (232News) – On Friday 1st October, 2021, history was made in Pujehun District when the University of Sierra Leone management team formally commissioned the first-ever USL branch in this district.

This historic landmark achievement occurred under the watch of the USL Vice Chancellor and Principal, Brigadier General Prof. Foday Sahr and Deputy Vice Chancellor of IPAM, Prof. Edmond Nonie and other eminent senior USL management staff.

The occasion itself was very well-attended by residents of Pujehun District and visitors from Freetown and other areas.

Speaking at the official opening ceremony, USL Vice Chancellor and Principal, Brigadier General Prof. Dr. Foday Sahr reminded his audience that historically, Pujehun has been without any institution of higher learning. He informed his audience that in line with President Julius Maada Bio’s Free Quality Education (FQE) initiative, the USL is contributing to achieving this goal by expanding and opening branches in the provincial regions. He noted that Pujehun is the 8th site that has benefitted from such expansion. He added that it had come to the notice of the USL that a huge percentage of WASCE students are constrained from gaining admission into the USL due to the fact that they had to leave everything they love behind and travel to Freetown to attend university. He maintained that with the opening of the USL in Pujehun, students with the requisite entry requirements no longer would have to leave their homes to attend university in Freetown. He used the opportunity to urge students and parents in Pujehun to make good use of this opportunity.

According to the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Principal of IPAM – USL, Prof. Edmond Nonie he believes that with the establishment of the USL branch in Pujehun students in that part of the country can now have easier access to an institution of higher learning. He also urged students and parents to make good use of the opportunity, adding that lecturers would be locally recruited and would be supported by lecturers from Freetown. He informed his audience that due to technological advancement, USL lecturers can be in Freetown and deliver lectures virtually and spontaneously to all USL campuses across the country. He assured them that IPAM is in Pujehun to stay.

Chairman of the ceremony who doubles as Pujehun District Council Chairman, Sheik Suaibu Sowa could not hide his pleasure and satisfaction over the establishment of the USL in Pujehun District. He added that Pujehun is known historically for producing some of the best brains in Sierra Leone and thanked the USL for adding value to the district educationally. He went further to state that he is certain that with the establishment of the USL in this district, he is positive that education will take a new direction. He added that this is the biggest achievement that has happened under his watch to have a university campus in Pujehun and urged all stakeholders in Pujehun to support IPAM in this direction.

The Paramount Chief was also full of praise for the USL. He thanked the USL management team and urged them to continue the good work. He used the opportunity to prevail on residents of Pujehun District to ensure that they encourage their children to seek admission in the USL-Pujehun District and not to waste hard-earned money to travel to Freetown when they can easily gain admission into the USL-Pujehun District which would cost them less.

David Gbao, Director, SPQA/USL gave a succinct background of the USL’s Re-engineering drive and that they are ready to ensure that the same quality being delivered in Freetown and other campuses will be the same in Pujehun.

The USL Registrar introduced all the USL senior management staff. The ceremony was climaxed with reactions from key stakeholders and the audience with traditional dances and songs and the cutting of the tape for the USL-IPAM Campus in Pujehun. 

The event was moderated by Dr. Tonya Musa, Director of Communications University of Sierra Leone.

By 232News

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