Sierra Leone Flag


By SK (Skyy Rich)

An independent view and non-political anaylsis

Sierra Leone as a county has gone through traumatic events both man-made and natural disaster with far reaching ramifications on the lives of the citizens.

However, a county of eight million plus people that is endowed with rich and diverse natural resources (17) continues to struggle to feed it’s people. According to human development index, the country ranked 181 out of the 195 Countries and most of the country below her are war ton countries. 

As we all hope, pray and dream for a revived or rejuvenated economy the sad reality is that we may not witness this kind of buoyancy in the economy on a trajectory for positive growth.

The state/economy will continue to experience inflation everyday because of our mismatch priority and this will lead to high cost of commodities and services coupled with high taxation. Honesty, as a nation, we swallow too much than what we can chew and no room to give out. What do I mean by this, our dollar consumption rate is huge than what we sell or export to get in return as a result scarcity occur and cause inflation. 

It’s also simply means, we import more than we export and when we do import we use dollars to get those goods and services and we don’t export good that could generate dollars that to replace the ones we have paid for importing our goods.

When are we going to see the wonderful days of SLPMB when we use to produce our local products and export them and in return we attract the much needed foreign currency? What are we currently doing as a nation to attract foreign currency and reduce the scarcity of the dollar? Truth be told, we are decades away to realize this.

It simply means we will continue to experience inflation and high cost of living; this is the sad reality that we should know as a nation. 

The only remedy to this is for us to embark on exportation. Exportation will generate foreign currencies, and would bring credible investors in the Country.

There is the likelihood that with more investors and growth in business government will able to review tax policies and reduce taxation because revenues will be generated from many sources. We should know that at the moment the source of government revenue is on taxation. It is through this revenue the government is able to pay salaries and services and on a sound footing economy wise. 

The lesser the investors or businesses the higher the taxes on the few that exist. The higher the taxes, the less we attract investors and business a very sad and painful reality on the state of economy. 

As a nation, it’s high time we come to the realization that our destiny lies in our hands. We are the solution to our problems. This is not sky rocket scientific research or approach all we need to do is to prioritize our priorities accordingly. 

Our priority is to embark on production, production that meets international standards, reduce taxation to attract more investors and business owners that will create employment for hundreds of thousands of people. 

The Anthem of West Africa has now become the last man of Africa. Hmmmmm. What a sad reality.

By 232News

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