Dr. Alfred Seawright, President and Chief Executive Officer of Seawright Mining Company

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Oct 16 (232News) – Seawright Mining Company (SMC) has paid the sum of eight hundred million Leones (Le 800,000,000) as surface rent to Gbense, Tankoro and Kamara Chiefdoms.

The payment which was witnessed by Chiefdom authorities, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Minerals Agency (NMA), Anti-Corruption Commission, Civil Society, LUC Tankoro Division, ONS, Youth and Women’s leaders and the press took place at the newly renovated Chiefdom Council Building in Koidu City on Thursday 29th April, 2021 was made before the Company’s even stars operations.

The payment was for the Company’s Boroma Concession on which the Seawright Mining Company will be undertaking large scale diamond mining project on in the Gbense Chiefdom which host 80% of the concession with a slight concession spilling to Tankoro and Kamara Chiefdom in the Eastern Region of Kono.

The payment came after the Company’s had an overwhelmed support from the Paramount Chiefs and their subjects to operate in their chiefdoms during a two-day public consultation and disclosure of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) on the 26th and 27th March, 2021 as a standard requirement of the Environmental Protection Agency Act of 2008.

SMC Chief Operating Officer (COO) JabulaniMkoko described the occasion as a momentous one for them to fulfil another part of the legal requirements for operating large scale mining which is the payment of the surface rent.

“We feel honored by cementing our relationship with the community,” he expressed.

He said it is good for the environment to be conducive for business to thrive because when business thrives, it will benefit the company, the community and the nation at large.

He thanked all the stakeholders including the government of Sierra Leone for their support and promise that they will abide by all the terms and conditions agreed upon as they are a law-abiding company.

“The community can expect the best out of us, we are a very good corporate citizen. We are going to exercise good corporate citizenship in everything we do. The community can also expect to benefit from this arrangement that we have made once we start generating revenue,” he assured.

SMC has renovated the chiefdom council building and installed 10KV solar power, and equipped it with computers among other office equipment.

Giving an analysis of the surface rent, SMC Finance Officer, AdamaJalloh disclosed at the jam park hall that the Le 800 Million was paid to the three chiefdoms.

That Gbense Chiefdom which host 80% of the concession got 80% which is equivalent to Le 640 Million while Tankoro and Kamara Chiefdoms got each 10% which is Le 80 Million respectively. 

The various stakeholders got 50% which is equivalent to Le 640 Million that was divided between the landowners, Paramount Chiefs 15%, the Council 15%, Constituency Development 10% and the Chiefdom Administration 10%.

Gbense Chiefdom Hon. PC SahrFengaiKorgbendeKaimachiande the 3rd thanked the government and SMC for considering them at this time.

He described the day as very historic as it is the first time in the history of Gbense Chiefdom for them to receive surface rent in such a large scale.

“This is the first time for us also to have a good company in a large scale in our chiefdom of which we are very much grateful,” he affirmed.

He described the payment process as very transparent as their respect has been restored.

The Chiefdom Administration Clark for Gbense Chiefdom B.M Daramy said that they are happy for the renovation of the building.

EPA Admin/Finance Officer, AlusineBangura educated the audience on why surface rent was set up by the government adding that EPA is concerned about development in the mining community. 

He also informed them of what is expected of the community people and their roles and that of the company.

He disclosed that Kono District now have and can boast of four large scale mining which means development will begin to take place. 

NMA Regional manager, Kai Lebbie explained their function and quoted Section 34 of the NMA Act which made SMC to pay the surface rent.

He emphasized that after the payment, all other activities by other parties are illegal because the company now have full right over the land.

He explained how the rent should be distributed by percentages.

“If the company has done what the law says it is also mandatory on the authority to do all it takes to protect and allow the company to operate freely,” he maintained.

By 232News

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