Dr. Alpha T. Wurie, Education Minister

By Mariatu Esther Tamba

FREETOWN, Oct. 3 (SALONE TIMES) – The Ministry of Technical & Higher Education in collaboration with the World Bank last Friday 17th September launched the 2nd call of the Skills Development Fund to Support Micro Enterprises, Small, Medium & Large businesses in the productive sector.

In his statement the Director of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Ministry of Technical & Higher Education Dr. Victor Massaquoi said the launch of this 2nd call of the Skills Development Fund (SDF) is to shows openness, transparency and abilities to handle projects.

He said TVET Education is not inferior to any other form of education but it is the master key to change our national narrative because all what we are using is from TVET.

He added that there is a need for all of us to rebrand TVET in Sierra Leone and also the need for radical inclusion for a better Sierra Leone.

During her statement, Dr. Mari Shoje Task Team Leader, Senior Education Specialist, World Bank said she feels delighted to be part of the 2nd launch of the skills development fund.

She commended the great effort of the Ministry of Technical & Higher Education for their strong commitment towards the improvement of the skills development sector.

She pointed out that Sierra Leone has made substantial progress towards poverty reduction & Human capital development, however the country is still struggling to enhancing and improving the skills development.

She said this project started in 2018 in order to support the government over skills development fund project to create employment and alleviate poverty.

The main implementing agencies are NCTVA & Ministry of Technical & Higher Education.

Dr. Shoje said one of the key activities is the establishment of the Skills Development Fund.

This helps to stimulate the competition and delivery of informative programs and promote collaboration between the private sectors and TVET institutions.

She encouraged those that are eligible to apply for this second call especially if they are willing to support the skills development of youths and women’s.

In his statement, Commissioner of National Youth Commission Ngolo Katta said as the 2nd call of the SDF is been launched, the youth sector is delighted and stands with the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education and also SDF because the Ministry of Youth and Ancillary organizations had been working assiduously to empower youth/young people.

He said this is a comprehensive program and it’s very important as it will help to capacitate and provide jobs for young people of Sierra Leone.

He said they are concerned and committed to giving their technical support to the Ministry of Technical & Higher Education for the implementation of this project.

Mr. Peter Kaindaneh, the Assignment Grant Manager for the Skills Development Fund Secretariat explained more about the purpose and importance of the project.

 He said they are formally launching this call and they are there to show how transparent they have been.

He went on to say for the past weeks they have been up the provinces sensitizing people about this second call.

Mr. Kaindeneh said the opportunity is for those that are qualified and eligible to apply. This time around they are focusing on small and medium businesses so that they can be empower through innovation and skills development to move to the next standard.

He said they are training the trainees who in turn should be able to train other people.

He maintained that they are working assiduously for the youth of Sierra Leone to be self-sufficient.

He thanked the Ministry of technical and higher education and the World Bank for their tremendous support.

Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education Mr. Sarjor Aziz-Kamara while formally launching the second call of the skills development fund said the President is fully determined to see this country developed and the government is grateful to the World Bank for providing the grants support towards the government’s vision of developing middle level man power to transform Sierra Leone. He said the SDF is committed to the vision to advance Sierra Leone sustainable development agenda by addressing the skills gap and supporting development of a man’s best skills for employability.

He maintained that no country develops without a strong knowledge and skills based. He said it is imperative to note that the SDF is a critical component of the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education and NCTVA with priority focus on supporting the growth and diversification of agriculture, tourism and hospitality, fisheries and mining resources, engineering, construction, mining, oil and gas, manufacturing services and information and technology.

He went in to say he has been part of the processes and sensitization tours with the team.

Therefore, they are not only seeking to do projects but seeking to do projects for transformation.

He added that the Ministry is fighting to see that these projects are well certified with the national qualification’s frameworks.

He said if you have not been to the university this SDF project creates a way out to move forward because no one will be left out. He said SDF has made great impact during this COVID -19 pandemic.

Deputy Minister said with support from there development partners this project is in all the sixteen chiefdoms and caters for 48% women and people with disability.

Sarjoh Azis-Kamara encouraged Sierra Leoneans to take advantage of the opportunity. He implored participants to step up and embrace SDF as this will enhance development in the middle level man power. He said participants should ensure that when successful completed, they implement effectively so that others can be beneficiaries to the project.

However, the duration for this second call is from 20th September to mid-February 2022 and the projects targets 3,000 trainees from registered business sector (formal & informal).

A short documentary on the success stories of SDF was played.

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