H.E. Ambassador Hu Zhangliang receiving the plaque from SiLCHA Secretary General

By Ibrahim Joenal Sesay

FREETOWN, Aug 10 (232News) – As part of their celebration package, the Sierra Leone-China Friendship Association (SiLCHA) has presented plaques to the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Sierra Leone on their 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations: 1971-2021.

On Friday 6th August, 2021, SiLCHA presented the plaques to the Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, H.E. Ambassador Hu Zhangliang and the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Prince E.O. Cole.

SiLCHA Chairperson, Mrs. Onike King on behalf of the SiLCHA Founder, Mariatu Kargbo aka Maria, the Black Pearl of China who is based in China congratulated the two countries for reaching this far of solid diplomatic ties. 

She said one of SiLCHA objectives is to bring China to their door step as SiLCHA founder has spent most of her time in China showcasing Sierra Leone and China.

“As an organization we though it fit to present a plaques as part of our celebration for a deeper relation between Sierra Leone and China.”

SiLCHA Secretary General: Ibrahim Joenal Sesay pointed out that they are confident that this bilateral cooperation between Sierra Leone and China will continue to grow and deepen for the benefit of their peoples, as they continue to enjoy excellent and multifaceted relations which are underpinned by strong bonds of friendship and expanding people-to-people exchanges.

SiLCHA Chairperson presenting the plaque to the DG of SL Foreign Affairs

In their responses, H.E. Ambassador Hu Zhangliang described the gift as a very precious one to China and the Embassy.

He said 50 years of diplomatic ties is a long time, enduring and cherish one. He add that it is as a rest of each side treating each other sincerely, equally with the view to achieve common development and prosperity.

“We will always respect each other. This relationship is as a result of our joint efforts by our two government, two people doing all they can to neutering it.”

He commended friendship organisations such as SiLCHA for doing all they can to develop the relationship. He extended thanks to Maria the Black Pearl of China for her tremendous work in China and Sierra Leone.

“We highly appreciate your effort in contributing to this relationship”   

Team SiLCHA along H.E. Ambassador Hu Zhangliang after the presentation at his home

DG, Prince E.O. Cole on behalf of the Foreign Affairs Minister, thanked SiLCHA for the great honour. He described the presentation as a symbolic one between Sierra Leone and China which stem back to 1971.

“We all know how China has been supporting this country in terms of economic and social development, the evidence is everywhere.” 

Historically, he added Sierra Leone and China almost have the same economic social history, he reflected that Sierra Leone and China were at the same stage but it amazing how far China has gone in terms of development.

“I am sure the bond will continue to become stronger and the diplomatic relations will be strengthening and more consolidated. We very much appreciate this plaque, we thanked you very much.”

The presentations were witness by the Helen Yuan of the Chinese Embassy, the Director Admin and Finance, Edward Kawa and PA to the DG, Robert Koroma of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. 

Long Live Sierra Leone-China Diplomatic Relations!

By 232News

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