EFA-SL Education Sector Plan and National


The International Trade Centre (ITC),West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) funded by the European Union (EU) and managed by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in collaboration with Sierra Leone Chamber for Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) conducted a three-day training on advocacy skills and Public-Private Dialogue for 30 Agribusiness Companies, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Cooperatives from Kono,Kailahun, Bo, Moyamba, Pujehun, and Bonthe districts respectively.

The training was held from 24th to 26th January 2023, in Dohas Hotel Bo City.

The objective of the training was to build on the advocacy and lobbying capacities of existing cooperatives, SMEs, Agribusiness companies and sector associations to improve on the Business Environment and Trade Integration for the Cocoa, Cassava and Palm Oil value chains in Sierra Leone.

ITC has been working in close cooperation with SLeCAD, an organization with long standing expertise and broad membership in the agribusiness and agriculture sectors in Sierra Leone and around the globe.

The activity relates to providing support to key institutions like SLeCAD in the provision of services to their members and engagement in effective policy dialogue with the government on sensitive topics for farmers, producers and exporters (access to inputs; product inspection rules; etc.). 

In his opening statement, the SLeCAD Executive Secretary and CEO of SLeCAD,Ahmed Nanoh welcomed the participants to the training session and encouraged them to use the session as an opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in advocacy, to ensure the improvement of the business environment and trade integration for cocoa, cassava, and oil palm that are key commodities for export for S/Leone that will create jobs and wealth, reduce poverty and enhance economic growth in support of the Government New Direction Agenda. 

He said the business environment has a lot of challenges and red tapes in the government corridors and that it needs high-level advocacy skills of the agribusiness value chains operators to unlock the Agribusiness and Agro-industrial potential for the betterment of S/Leone.

“This could only change if the private sector continues to engage the public sector to bring the desired changed,” he stated. 

He encouraged participants not to mix politics with business as it will always end to be a defunct business, adding that the agribusiness sector is the largest private sector in the country and if properly managed it would be able to create the needed jobs for the youths, and women in S/Leone where there will be no need for the citizens of S/Leone go for greener pasture overseas.

He said should S/Leone manage the agriculture sector well the country will be one of the best economise in the sub-region but this could only be achieved through advocacy and public private dialogue.

He further emphasised that the training will also provide the  introduction to the principles and key functions of trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue, shares practical examples on how trade-related advocacy and policy dialogue can contribute to improve livelihoods and performances of your members and clients, improve on participant skills to discuss key linkages between domestic business environment and international trade agreements, help to address opportunities and challenges for Sierra Leone’s businesses in the agricultural sector.

Siaka Kawa, ITC WACOMP National Coordinator, commended the effort of SLeCAD in advocacy and confirmed that ITC finds it vital to partner with SLeCAD to champion the training of agribusiness private sector companies, SMEs and Cooperative in the cocoa, cassava and oil palm to improve on the business environment especially in the area of export promotion and trade integration that will help the Sierra Leone economy to grow and reduce poverty.

 He said the ITC was excited to support the training since it will unlock the potential of the agriculture sector and promote internal and regional trade key to the economic growth of every country. He encourages the participants to be focused and take the training seriously to enhance their business growth through improved business environment.

Ibrahim Bockarie Sannoh, Coordinator for Heuwolacheo Cooperative thanked ITC, EU, UNIDO and SLeCAD for offering the Agribusiness Companies, SMEs and Cooperatives the opportunity to be trained in advocacy skills to enhance the improvement of the business environment that promote agribusiness growth.

He said that he is coordinating over 2,500 farmers producing cocoa, but stated that the value of S/Leone cocoa in the world market drastically fallen due to poor quality bought from other countries and mixed with S/Leone high quality organic cocoa.

He said that there has been non check and balances in the supervision and regulation of the cocoa sector and making the country to lose huge forex that currently negatively impacting on the depreciation of the Leones against the US dollar. He concluded by encouraging all agribusiness private sector players to work with the Chamber head by Ahmed Nanoh to improve on advocacy and make their business competitive and profitable.

Limkokwing University Confers Degrees & Diploma On Over 900 Graduates  


Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Sierra Leone Campus has conferred degrees and diploma on 901 students in their first Inaugural Graduation Ceremony of the 21st century.

The ceremony which took place last Saturday 11th February, 2023, at the Freetown International Conference Center, Bintumani Hotel, Aberdeen Freetown was graced by the University Seniors Management, Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Industry Partners, foreign missions, embassies, parents and guardians among others with the theme for this year’s graduation was “Transforming the Future”. 

Senior Vice President, Corporate and Industry Development, Dato’ Raja Aznil Bin Raja Hisham, in his welcome remarks described graduation as a significant step in once education.

He said despite living in these Covid-19 circumstances, they are pleased to see that the graduands overcome this and they have triumphed over adversity.

“You have managed to navigate your lives in these challenging times and dealt with the uncertainty of the pandemic to graduate with remarkable results. Today we celebrate your accomplishment and wish you the best as you continue your journey to greater heights,” he said.

He recalled that they are privileged to have the late founder President by their side during their years in that university being his first African campus outside of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region and thus, a significant expansion of the University’s ever-developing global footprint.

“A new chapter and a new door are now opened to you. Be active in your communities. Through this, you can actually learn about other opportunities that exist amongst us, while you contribute positively to the lives of others. This will give your lives meaning,” he encouraged them.  

Hon. Suleiman Conteh described that day as one to celebrates, recognised and honoured their accomplishment as they have overcome those challenges with determination and resistance.

He went on to say Limkokwing University is not a political affair but a Sierra Leoneans affairs, as they are contributing greatly to the human capital development.

“Limkokwing education is a good investment. Now you will enter a new world with economy and hope. As you enter this new world, you must know that your family and community has invested much in you. As a graduate of this university you are the vanguard to the new generation. Use it to build the nation and wisely,” he encouraged them. 

Sierra Leone Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Sarjoh Aziz-Kamara in his keynote address, said he considered his role as a privileged one  to be part of the first graduation of the  University in the country.

He went on to say that in the course of their learning, they have been shaped through learning complex theories to enhance their ability and the purpose of learning is to prepare for the future and reaching their fullest potential as lifelong learners and to meaningful contribute to sustainable development. 

“In this 21st century according to UNISCO education should allow us the opportunity to acquire skills for life, work and sustainable development. University students should be empowered with the knowledge, skills and values to respond to the rapidly changing world of work and the sustainable plants,” he said.

The Deputy Minister pointed out that higher education institutions should ensure that students acquire such for the challenges. 

He said the graduates are expected to solidly contribute to nation’s building.

“We must commend the government under President Bio for continuing supporting these students to complete their program and the use of the facility at Hill Station for the College to operate. This is so because we value education and human capital development,” he stated.

Limkokwing University Campus Director, Agnes M. Mugo, urged the graduates to be role model and use their skills for the betterment of humanity. 

“By the power vested in me by this University I charge you to uphold the good name of this university in all side. You must at all times act in a manner that brings honour and respect upon yourself and the community in which you leave. You must act as law-abiding citizen of your country. Serve as exemplary member of your community through hard work.”

Earlier the Campus Director, disclosed that a total of 17 programs graduated: 11 degrees and 6 diploma, adding that they graduated 83% of students since they started operating in Sierra Leone. 901 in total (584 Degree and 317 Diploma, 6 Faculties, 17 Programmes) Faculty of Information & Communication Technology – (300) students With 4 Programmes, · Faculty of Business Management & Globalization – (156) students With 3 Programmes, · Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment – (131) students With 4 Programmes, · Faculty of Communication, Media and Broadcasting – (202) students With 4 Programmes, · Faculty of Creative Multimedia- (43) students With 1 Programme, and · Faculty of Design and Innovation- (69) students With 2 Programme.

The graduation brought lots of reflection of that university on what they have been through and how they overcame. Graduates demonstrated different skills as party of their creative technology. Limkokwing University is an international University with a global presence across 3 continents. With 6 campuses across Africa; Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Namibia. The University has established worldwide recognition through its innovative brand of creative education merging the best of east and west education.

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