out grower farmers and Small and Medium Enterprises

By Alusine Sesay

FREETOWN, Aug 3 (232news.com) – With support from the European Union under the Boosting Agriculture and Food Security (EU/BAFS) Project, the Sierra Leone Chamber of Agribusiness Development (SLeCAD) in collaboration with Bennimix Food Company (BFC) conducted business development and marketing training in Kono, Bombali, Portloko, Bo and Kenema for 250 out grower farmers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

The training spanned from 20 June to 19th July 2022.

The Primary objective of the training was to build the business development, financial literacy, value chains and technology knowledge and skills of 1,500 out-grower farmers and SMEs working along the sorghum, pigeon peas and sesame value chain to improve on production, productivity and competitiveness and create wealth and jobs, enhance food security and reduce poverty in the rural communities of Sierra Leone.

The training gave the opportunity to the out grower farmers, SMEs and agribusiness companies to develop a bankable business plans that will be presented to commercial and community banks to access innovative loans to produce raw materials and market to Bennimix Food Company, to process nutritional baby food and adult cereals for the Sierra Leone and export markets.

SLeCAD as a private sector Agribusiness platform believes that implementation of such intervention could be a path way to poverty reduction and improving the effectiveness of farmers that increases production, productivity, competitiveness and business operational sustainability.

The training was also to improve the knowledge of the selected out-grower farmers to be able to understand marketing, farm management skills, and quality of products demanded by consumers.

The training was facilitated by SLeCAD Certified BDS professionals in the presence of representatives from the National Authorization Office (NAO), EU/BAFS and the Ministry of Agriculture District Directors and staff whose contributions were well acknowledged and appreciated by the out-grower farmers and agribusiness SMEs.

The NAO Representative, Mr. Tucker encouraged farmers to take the training serious and use the skills to produce bankable business plans and access to finance to run profitable business.

Mr Gborie, EU/BAFS M&E Officer, thanked the trainers and called on the farmers to use the opportunity to operate businesses that can be used to create jobs and make decent income for their families.

SLeCAD Executive, Ahmed Nanoh and the Syngenta Representative, Madam Zimuto said that the training was an opportunity for the out-grower farmers to understand product development, market issues in order to improve production and productivity of their SMEs and stay competitive, reduce poverty and enhance economic growth in support the government New Direction Agenda.

The training will be followed by mentorship and coaching and further training in BDS, Marketing, packaging, standards and branding in 4th quarter of 2022.

By 232News

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