By Marcus of Ministry of Reconciliation

FREETOWN, Aug 16 (232News)

In our generation today there seem to be a thin line between believers and sinners. Same words and identity are being used on each of them. Some people are called believers or Christians just because they go to church and the other way again, believers  are called sinners because they commit some wrong actions or struggle with things contrary to their identity. But I want you reading this to understand that there’s actually a clear difference and a very thick line between the believer and the sinner and one should not be mistaken for the other. Also we need to have a clear understanding and knowledge of the gospel message required to be preached to the sinner. The sinner needs to understand his/her position with God and most importantly the need for salvation.

There is righteous man and sinful man, believer (look up my series on believer and sin, to have a clear picture of the believer-not church goer) and unbeliever (sinner), Christian and Sinner. These are two different personalities whose identities are different and one should not be substituted for the other. The same language or reference should not be used on them when describing them especially when it relates to their position with God. Their position before and with God is different. The believer and sinner can perform similar actions at either end but doesn’t mean they are the same in nature. They both carry a different nature.

To be able to minister the gospel message effectively there has to be a clear understanding of these distinctions. Many are too comfortable in their sins and some are in churches and don’t feel convicted of their sins because of what they hear. The repercussions or consequences of living and remaining in sin has to be made known to the sinner, and the consequences of the believer indulging in acts of sin has to be made clear. The sinner needs to understand that the state he/she is in is not safe and he/she needs Jesus. The church has to be clear on this. As we go further, this series will try to address most of these concerns.

Who is Sinner?

By hearing the word sinner, we understand impliedly that it is originated from the word ‘sin’. In our English language we have most times named/called people based on the actions they perform. For example, someone that sings is called a singer, dance, a dancer, plays football, a footballer or player, works at a farm, farmer, practices law, lawyer. So it is most times by what people do, they are identified as. So if that’s the case, a person that commits an act of sin should be called a sinner. This is the reason why most times people are called sinners because of an act(s) of sin. But this is not so in this case. It is not the truth. A sinner is not someone that commits an act of sin.

So who then is a sinner? To define a sinner lets first understand sin. Sin is much more than an act, it is a nature. It’s not just what someone does but who someone is by nature. Sin is inherent. A Sinner is not who someone is by what he/she does, it is who someone is by nature. This is why an act of sin does not qualify one to be a sinner. Being a sinner is an identity that deals directly with the nature of man. Let’s look at few references to understand better; Romans 5:12&14 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

From the above scripture, we see that sin spread to all men through one man by birth (nature). Every offspring of Adam inherited the nature of sin even those that did not commit an ACT of sin. This is why the psalmist say Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. And as well written in scriptures, Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. So because of the nature of sin inherent in a man, man is referred to as a sinner. I conclude with the last reference that will explain the grounds of calling one a sinner, Romans 5:19 A For as by one man’s disobedience many were made SINNERS. Man is a sinner because of his nature of sin (Original sin) inherited from Adam.
God bless you. Jesus be glorified.

By 232News

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