SLPP worst performing Ministers

FREETOWN, Jan. 26. ( – As the year is coming to an end, now is the time for stocktaking and self-assessment more so when people are aspiring into meeting new resolutions in the ensuing year.

 SALONE TIMES Editorial has come up with its list of the 5 Worst performing ministers. This assessment is purely based on the editorial judgment of SALONE TIMES anchored on practical issues across the country.

1, MINISTER OF TRANSPORT AND AVIATION: Sierra Leoneans are suffering from public transportation particularly in the eastern part of the capital Freetown in which people are jostling for transportation. People are risking their lives just to ensure that they reach home after the day hustle. There are not much buses to even take people to the provinces as the government’s Roads Transport Corporation is in a derelict state. It is not just road transportation that people are facing problems with but people travelling by ferries will tell you the everyday problem they faced as most of the ferries are old and out of order. The Minister of Transport and Aviation has been in that position for almost 4yrs now but it seems that there is nothing new he could come up with in that Ministry

MINISTER OF WATER RESOURCES: When Bob Marley said that in the abundance of water the fool is thirsty, he was actually referring to Sierra Leone. Water scarcity is common in Freetown while people in the provinces are suffering to get safe clean drinking water As such, the people of Sierra Leone are suffering from diseases that are related to dirty water.

MINISTER OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY: Sierra Leoneans are grumbling about the so many theories in the Ministry of Trade and Industry which is actually affecting trade in the country negatively. Most of the local industries in the country are either closing or in the verge of closing. The cost of basic things in the country are also skyrocketing for which parliament invited the Minister of Trade to explain. People believed Minister of Trade, Hinga Sandy has been doing poorly.

MINISTER OF POLITICAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Nobody knows what the Ministry is all about. In fact, most Sierra Leoneans believe it is one of the Ministries that should be scrapped because it is just existing in name and nothing more. The Minister of Political Affairs, Foday Yumkella has also not made the ministry relevance and should therefore be shown the exit door.

MIISTER OF FISHRIES AND MARINE RESOURCES: Sierra Leoneans were bewildered by the action of the Ministry of fisheries to auction Sierra Leone ecosystem at Black Johnson Beach for a Fish Habour to the Chinese which has been condemned by environmentalists. This is happening at a time when the cost of fish in the market is very expensive for ordinary Sierra Leoneans. Minister Emma Kowa has failed to produce a comprehensive and cogent Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report to explain that the said Black Johnson Deal will in no way affect the Sierra Leone ecosystem.

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