Sierra Leone President and some section of his cabinet ministers and vice president


By Donald Theo-Harding

In a stunning display of governmental surrender, the authorities in Sierra Leone have thrown in the towel on governance, opting instead to call upon divine intervention to salvage the country from its decades-long spiral of decay.

After 63 years of decadence and mal governance, it is abundantly clear that our earthly efforts have come to naught and that we have exhausted all ideas, strategies, and excuses. It is time to turn to a higher power.

Indeed, in a nation where corruption is as common as the morning sun, where poverty is a stubborn resident in every household, and where basic amenities like water and electricity are considered luxuries, it appears that the ruling elite have finally acknowledged their own incompetence.

The decision to implore divine assistance comes after a string of failed policies, empty promises, and scandalous revelations that have left the populace disillusioned and destitute. Government after government has squandered opportunities for progress, leaving the country teetering on the brink of collapse.

In a press release dripping with irony, the government has announced a temporary halt to all forms of celebration, urging citizens to spend three days in fervent prayer for the salvation of the nation.

However, not everyone is convinced by this newfound faith in divine intervention. Critics have been quick to point out the hypocrisy of a ruling class that has long neglected its responsibilities while expecting miracles to bail them out of their self-inflicted mess.

“These politicians wouldn’t know hard work if it slapped them in the face,” scoffed one disillusioned citizen. “Now they want us to pray for miracles instead of holding them accountable for their incompetence and corruption? It’s laughable.”

Indeed, while the government may have temporarily abdicated its duties in favor of prayers, the people of Sierra Leone are left to wonder whether their leaders will ever muster the courage and integrity to address the root causes of their suffering.

As the nation braces itself for three days of collective supplication, one can’t help but wonder whether divine intervention will be enough to cleanse the rot that has festered for over six decades. In the meantime, perhaps it’s time for the rulers to trade in their prayer mats for a crash course in governance.

By 232News

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